See your organization's performance gaps
FollowApp™ is designed to automate performance gap diagnostics and provide evidence-based management and employee activities that are proven to lead to performance improvements. This means that company management, managers and employees free up precious time and energy that can be used to focus on what is proven to generate company value, sustainability and commitment.

How does it work?
FollowApp™ automatically generates, using the unique database and automated intelligence, evidence-based management and employee activities that lead to increased performance and associated revenue and profit.
Start by talking to us
If you would like to discuss further how FollowApp can be a partner in sustainably improving your company's performance, turnover and profit, please contact us
What do I get as a customer?
- FollowApp™ is designed to automate performance gap diagnostics and provide evidence-based management and employee activities that are proven to lead to performance improvements. This means that company management, managers and employees free up precious time and energy that can be used to focus on what is proven to generate company value, sustainability and commitment.
Performance gap
FollowApp™ that quickly and reliably determines your organization's performance gaps using 1.3 million past analyses. In discussion with management teams, the gap is translated into actual loss of earnings, for example 15% in reduced turnover and 10% lower profit.
FollowApp™ automatically generates, using the unique database and automated intelligence, evidence-based management and employee activities that lead to increased performance and associated revenue and profit.
FollowApp™ gives management a real-time view of how the organization as a whole and at the unit and project level is improving performance and where extra support is needed to reach performance potential. The system automatically signals to management when problems arise within parts of the business. At the same time, the connection to the business' key figures is illustrated.

Ready solution
Includes setting up your organization, reports and training.
From SEK 19.90 per employee/month

Contact one of our specialists for more information

Clara Paulsson
Project manager, Project coordinator
Telephone: +46(0)35 10 03 30
Mobile: +46(0)761 88 53 00
Email me:

William Gustafsson
Business developer
Telephone: +46(0)35 10 03 30
Mobile: +46 (0)708 23 42 24
Email me:
Give us a call!
We are here to answer questions, guide you and give you the right basis for making decisions.
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