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My personal insights and experiences, based on the measurements Quicksearch conducted in 2023. By combining these insights with environmental monitoring, I have identified five key areas that I believe will be of great importance to success in HR in 2024.
Integration of HR systems
Review your investments and ensure that your organization's technology is truly helping you drive success. Use comprehensive solutions instead of several independent HR tools. An integration can streamline and save time, and you get a unified platform for all data. This results in a reduction in administrative work and resources can be spent on other important functions in your business.
AI and BI tools for analysis
By using AI and BI tools, companies can analyze large amounts of data to gain valuable insights. AI can be applied to detect patterns, predict trends and perform advanced analysis automatically. BI tools, on the other hand, offer user-friendly interfaces and dashboards that allow decision makers to use data in an easy way.
Sustainable leadership
We see that there is a demand for sustainable leadership where the manager creates conditions for the well-being and well-being of the staff. That the manager takes social responsibility, is environmentally conscious, i.e. focuses on reducing the environmental impact through green initiatives, energy efficiency and sustainable methods, makes decisions that benefit the company in the long term and encourages commitment and cooperation.
In most of Quicksearch's measurements that were carried out in 2023, we see that we have a positive trend on precisely the questions that deal with having the right conditions, efficiency and collaboration. We also see that our customers have a positive trend on most questions that deal with direct leadership.
Why not ask targeted questions to the manager if he is given the right conditions to carry out his work?!
Focus on well-being
It's no surprise that smart employers are investing in well-targeted employee benefits to attract, engage and retain top talent.
We also see that flexibility and trust in its employees are factors that are important to offer in order to compete with other workplaces in the future.
We see that employee surveys may contain more questions, alternatively that separate questionnaires/pulse measurements are desired about employees' mental and physical health and work-life balance in order to better understand and support well-being. We also see a great interest in measuring health factors.
Follow-up and implementation of changes
There is a demand for more focus on implementing concrete changes based on the feedback we collect for our customers.
Putting the action plans into practice is a central part of our investigations. This means implementing the proposed changes or initiatives in the workplace. This may involve the implementation of training, adjustments in work processes or other specific measures to improve working conditions. It is of utmost importance to create commitment and participation among all employees. After completed activities, it is important to evaluate the effects of the implemented measures.