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Best TV operator and streaming service of the year - according to viewers

Telia and SVT Play are 2020's best TV operator and streaming service, respectively!

TV news and Quicksearch's subsidiary Nordic Bench have carried out their annual measurement and it is clear that Telia and SVT Play have taken home the titles as Sweden's best TV operator and streaming service respectively in 2020. The results are entirely based on the viewers' own opinions and produced with the help of an independent Net Promoter Score® measurement (NPS® measurement). The winners will be honored at this year's edition of TV Day, which will be held on September 2 at the Grand Hotel Stockholm.

How did the study go?

The study that was the basis for selecting the winners is carried out annually and 3,500 Swedes are then asked which TV operators and streaming services they have. These are then assessed according to an NPS® methodology that also measures how they experience them regarding, among other things, supply, quality, timeliness and access. It is done based on a total of 14 parameters and all results are completely transparent for comparison between competing services in order to be a basis for an improved delivery to the Swedish viewers. The companies that have received the highest NPS® then win the title of Sweden's best in their category.

What is Net Promoter Score®?

Net Promoter Score® is carried out to measure customer or employee satisfaction at a company and is basically based on the question "to what degree would you recommend x to a friend or colleague?". With the help of the answers, you can obtain a key figure, the Net Promoter Score® itself, based on the percentage who answered 9-10 (promoters or ambassadors) minus the percentage who answered 0-6 (detractors or critics). NPS® can theoretically vary between -100 and +100 and can also differ depending on which processes you measure.

Why measure Net Promoter Score®?

With the help of an NPS® measurement, you can identify dissatisfied customers and correct what is wrong, but you can also find extremely satisfied ambassadors and make it easier for them to market you to others. The measurement can also be carried out to investigate employee satisfaction at your company. NPS® is best measured with quick and relevant surveys, and the measurements usually take place after important events in the customer and employee relationship.

More about Nordic Bench

Nordic Bench is a subsidiary of Quicksearch and an independent analysis institute with over 15 years of experience in industry studies in Sweden and the Nordics. They offer a cross-industry benchmark where the customer satisfaction of companies is measured using a Net Promoter Score®. The advantage of the Net Promoter methodology is that it is then possible to compare different companies in the same industry with each other as well as with companies in other industries.

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