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Systematized work environment follow-up without hassle

In this article you will find out…

- What a systematized work environment follow-up (SAM questionnaire) should contain
- To whom and when the survey should be sent
- How you make it easier so that there is less work
- What the HR department should get out of the results

Quicksearch has been conducting relationship surveys for over 20 years and are experts in statistics, survey methodology and analysis.

Sometimes the smart ideas come when you least expect it, but in this case I can't take the credit, at best we can call it "co-create" with some enterprising HR managers and a lawyer. Although I several times read below paraphrasing from AFS 2001:1, about systematic work environment work (SAM), I did not connect the obvious.

"The employer is responsible for regularly examining the workplace and assessing the risks. Systematic work environment work means investigating, implementing and following up the activities to prevent accidents and ill health. It also means acting on what comes to light and following up that it is remedied.”

Developing a work environment policy, routines, collaborating with health and safety representatives and our employees felt, to me as a manager, as reasonable steps in the systematic work environment work. But the fact that large parts of both the survey and the follow-up can be automated via questions to the employees did not come up until one of our customers pointed out that it would be the most reasonable.

So thank you, dear customer, for telling us what you, as an HR manager, want the organization to answer in a so-called SAM survey. We have compiled what you told us below so that more people can take part.

What should a systematized work environment follow-up (SAM survey) contain?

  • Capture risks in the organization (Ill health, occupational injuries/accidents, psychosocial work environment)
  • Capture the current work environment in the organization, the current situation

To whom should the systematized work environment follow-up be sent?

The employees are a good start, but it is also interesting to get managers' views on simplicity, support and challenges.

When will it be sent?

  • Systematically, plan it over the year and communicate it to managers, safety representatives and employees. All measures do not have to be ready at the time of dispatch, the survey also serves as a reminder that the work must constantly be ongoing.
  • If it is systematized, it can also be automated, it doesn't matter if someone is sick, off, etc. the follow-up is carried out automatically and those who depend on the result are notified.

What can facilitate so that there is less work?

  • Use one of the smart team development tools to capture the feedback Quicksearch's chatbot for teams is called Flourish.
  • Don't cross the river for water, use one of the survey standards available to follow up the systematic work environment. Quicksearch of course has one that we developed together with our customers in various industries.

What should an HR department get out of the results?

  • Basis for prioritizing efforts, support and decisions.
  • Current situation analysis to convey to management and affected stakeholders.
  • Written documentation of challenges and the impact of actions taken in the organization.
  • A regular follow-up that is not dependent on the individual as well as written documentation that there is a systematic work environment follow-up.

Thanks to Quicksearch's collaboration with customers and employees in universities and colleges over the years, smart solutions and new exciting HR measurements have emerged, such as:

  • Sustainability follow-up aimed at the market, existing customers, employees, board and owners. It has become GAP analyzes that make the most inveterate analyst cozy up a little extra.
  • Board evaluation addressed to board members, CEO and management.
  • Automated follow-up of recruitment and induction.
  • Automated follow-up of salesperson onboarding, linked to how sellers get started, or just as often don't get started.
  • Automated follow-up at exit (when employees leave)

For over 20 years, we at Quicksearch have worked closely with our customers, universities and colleges. Together with them and with existing research as a basis, Quicksearch has developed and further developed methods and IT support to get organizations to act on feedback. Today, Quicksearch has some of Sweden's largest companies as customers. Within the HR and CX business areas, Quicksearch has become a leading player when it comes to getting the organization to act on feedback from employees or from customers/members/citizens. For example. we have developed systems and methods to adapt NPS® for the Nordic market.

Give us a call!

We are here to answer questions, guide you and give you the right basis for making decisions.


Jörgen Gotthardsson, Regional manager central and southern Sweden – Sr Customer Experience Manager, Quicksearch

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